Travel broadens the mind


The Troops

The Royal Teachers

Troop transportation

London tour (1)

London tour (2)

Family life

More pictures

Write to the survivors

This page was created by the class of 302 / June 2001

Family life

First encounters
When we got off the coach after a long and tiring journey, we found the meeting point was a 'hot' place on a Saturday night because of the club opposite. A lot of people looked drunk, the girls were half-naked, and the "racing boys" were out in their customised cars.
We were anxious to meet our "families". They finally arrived, some in their Jaguars, others driving flying carpets.

Our hosts
Some of our hosts were quite talkative, others didn't have much to say.
"We managed to have a few interesting conversations. We were glad to find out our English is not so bad after all."
"We would have liked to talk to them but they didn't want to communicate."

The houses
All the houses look so much alike ! They're high and narrow and smaller than ours. They are brightly coloured and cosy. There aren't any shutters.
"I'm not used to having so much light in my bedroom in the morning."
"And they love carpets, don't they ?"
There were pets in most houses, lots of cats.

The cars
"I didn't feel safe because I had the impression I was in the driver's seat and there was no driving-wheel!"
"When we turned, I was afraid we would crash into the on-coming cars."
"It's strange to go round a round-about clockwise."
"I loved the taxis, not all of them are black anymore."
"One day, I counted 250 convertibles.When you see their cars, it looks as if everybody is a millionaire in London!"
"I had never seen so many posh cars!"

The food
"I had my first pineapple pizza. Not so bad after all."
"I didn't know I could survive without bread !"
"Why don't they peel their potatoes ?"
"English peas are scary. They look like plastic beads."
"It's time they learnt about French dressing. Their salads are poor !"
"The food was much better than I expected."