Travel broadens the mind


The Troops

The Royal Teachers

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London tour (1)

London tour (2)

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This page was created by the class of 302 / June 2001

The British Museum / St Paul's Cathedral

Where's your nose gone, brother?
"The British Museum has the most beautiful glass dome I have ever seen."
"The Egyptian jewels were so delicate! I wouldn't mind wearing some of them."
"There was one fascinating clock." "I liked the Japanese houses most."

If you want to see the mummies, the Rosetta Stone and other wonders from ancient civilizations, click here: The British museum

In spite of the rain, the view from the top of St Paul's was magnificent.
"I can't stand heights so I felt a bit dizzy up there."
Mathieu offered his sunglasses to God Almighty (in fact, he lost them as he was going up the stairs).
St Paul's Cathedral

Tower Bridge / The Science Museum / The Maritime Museum

"It was Machinery Day! I don't like that sort of things."
"I particularly enjoyed Tower Bridge and its twin towers."
To make up your own mind, click here:
 Tower Bridge 
Science Museum 

At the Maritime Museum, I expected to see real ships but there were only models.
We saw the blood-stained clothes Nelson was wearing when he was shot.
Let's quote him: ".... you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil."
 Maritime Museum


Shopping at Hamley's, Carnaby St and Covent Garden

At Hamley's, the biggest toy shop in the world, we spent our money on souvenirs, played with the video games and tried all the fancy dresses.

More money was spent in Carnaby Street which had a great reputation in the 60s.
Mathieu bought a superb pair of sunglasses and he quickly lost them. 


After eating our packed lunches at Covent Garden (some were good, some were not) we had some free time to do more shopping but everything was so expensive!

"I would have prefered to eat on the grass!"


A windy day in Brighton!

We had our lunches on the Pier and we lost the rest of our money at the arcade.

Then, we had to wait for four hours in Dover because the sea was too rough to sail.