Travel broadens the mind


The Troops

The Royal Teachers

Troop transportation

London tour (1)

London tour (2)

Family life

More pictures

Write to the survivors

This page was created by the class of 302 / June 2001

On the coach


Although we had a very comfortable coach, the journey was long and tiring and a few of us had upset stomachs. However we spent our time chatting, playing games or listening to music and on the whole, the time passed quickly.
Our two drivers were very nice and extremely competent .

Through the Chunnel

On the way out, we went through the Channel Tunnel. It was the first time we had taken it.




Most of us were not impressed but some didn't feel very well and were afraid the tunnel would collapse. The stout-hearted took care of them and everything went fine. Some even enjoyed a well-deserved snack.

On the ferry

On the way back, we took the ferry from Dover to Calais. It only took one and a half hours but it was a long crossing for some of us. The sea was rough and spirits low! Fortunately, Anaïs was there to comfort the poor wrecks!
"It was cold outside and I felt sick inside."
"I was surprised I wasn't sick, probably because I kept messing around!"
For those who were fit enough to stay on the deck, the sight was superb:
"At one moment, we could see both the French and English coasts." 

 The pilots