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London tour (2)

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This page was created by the class of 302 / June 2001

Madame Tussaud's

Everybody's favourite. The wax models, Brad Pitt, Eric Cantona, Diana, David Copperfield, Sean Connery, the Beatles, Hitler, the Pope, Naomi Campbell, looked as if they were real! Difficult to tell real people from imitations! There's a famous rugby player on one of the photos, can you recognize him? He's wearing a "bob".
The best part was the Chamber of Horrors with all the serial killers. It was really scary!
At the end of the visit we took model taxi cabs to travel through London's history.
 Madame Tussaud's official site 

The National Gallery

There were many beautiful paintings (by Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh) and we didn't have time to see them all.
Mrs V. had given us a questionaire to fill in and we spent a lot of time looking for Vermeer's "A Young Woman seated at a Virginal" , which had gone to New York!
So, here is a small view of it.
If you wish to see more, click here:
National Gallery

The Long Walk

After visiting the National Gallery, we walked from Trafalgar Square, where we had fun with the pigeons and climbed on the lions, to Cleopatra's Needle, by the Thames.

On the way, we went past the Horse Guards (on foot) where Guillaume & Guillaume nearly had their heads cut off by a guard because they were standing too close to him!
Then, we saw 10 Downing St, Westminster Abbey (excellent ice-creams), The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the rest...